Rabu, 04 Juli 2018
On 04.45 by Unknown No comments
In theoretical
computer science and mathematics,
the theory of computation is
the branch that deals with how efficiently problems can be solved on a model of computation,
using an algorithm.
Purpose of the Theory of Computation is Develop formal mathematical models of
computation that reflect real-world computers. The
Theory of Computation can be divided into the following three areas, they are
Complexity Theory, Computability Theory, and Automata Theory.
are several Model of computation, they are Finite State Automata, Push Down
Automata, Turing Machine, Lambda Calculus, combinatory logic, markov algorithm, register machine, and μ-recursive functions.
Cloud Computing consists of two
words, cloud and computing. Cloud is another equation of the internet, which is
often depicted in computer network diagrams. and computing is the process of
computing. Computing comes from the word computation which means calculation.
According to IEEE Internet
computing "Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is stored
permanently on an internet server and stored temporarily on a user's computer.
For more details, let's have a discussion about the issues with this video below which have some section talk about Computation Theory and Introduction to Modern Computing
For more details, let's have a discussion about the issues with this video below which have some section talk about Computation Theory and Introduction to Modern Computing
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